Adaptability of Mobile Applications in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Lona Diyar Latif Business and Management Department, Tishk International University
  • Salavat Sayfullin School of Business, International Black Sea University
  • Metin Mercan School of Business, International Black Sea University



The use of mobile phones and mobile applications is growing significantly due to its ease of use and easy access, so we need continuous and new research to keep up with changes and meet user expectations. All this can change the way marketing, education and all other sectors. This study will generally investigate the use of applications in the Kurdistan Region, and several sectors have been identified for this study such as, restaurant, hospital, jewelry, dress shop, bank. How easy they are for people to use and how they work. We also refer to the switching costs in the sections, how much the user stays on the choice of product or service, and for which product or service the customer stays longer depending on the location or brand chosen.


