Is it Me? Pressures at the Workplace


  • Teona Maisuradze International Black Sea University



Mistreatment in the working environment is a topic we cover in management studies, and, generally the cases discussed are sexual harassment and gender issues, which are classical textbook, leaving less room to other types of mistreatment at the workplace. After collecting some of the quotes from various
respondents, we decided to look into the topic and study it thoroughly, hoping that there could be a pattern identified, or some suggested action drawn to help the ones mistreated protect and stand up for themselves. Interviewing our respondents, we identified several issues that were mostly repeated and classified them into the following categories: inefficiency when working, difficulty to prove misbehavior, hating the organization, changing nothing even after leaving. The article attempts to explain these categories and show that they are common and not the fault of a single worker incapability. After explaining the triggers and
typical reaction, the article provides some of the possible ways to avoid mistreatment and protect from ones who exercise it. We believe that this article increases awareness of possible workplace mistreatment and helps protect from it.
Keywords: bullying, employee mistreatment, psychopath, work performance
JEL: M12




