The Shift in Organizational Culture, and Ways to Recreate post Covid-19: The Case of Georgia


  • Hazem ALHALABI
  • M. Murat ERGUVAN



For the last one and half years the world has witnessed enormous changes, without any precautions a lot of people’s lives, business and way of living has changed. The Covid-19 pandemic had a massive effect on the way people do business, and eventually it affected the global economy. To observe the psychological damage on people’s work, the study will observe and analyze the changes that took place on the organizational level, as well as the impact on the way employees interact with each other’s, or what is called the “Organizational Culture” this study presents the main organizational culture’s elements, and why are they important, and identifies the most prominent aspects that affect the stability of corporate culture. Then after that, the main changes that took place on the working settings of the organizations working in the service industry in Tbilisi, Georgia will be determined, with a highlight on the tourism industry. The study will analyze the role of corporations in this organizational change in order to emphasize the key players in this change, try to find the gap as well as best practices, and draw some picture for the future after this shift. Using the quantitative methodology, there will be analysis of a questionnaire that was distributed among employees who worked or are working in the service industry when the restrictions associated with the spread of the virus were initially introduced, the survey was designed to compile data regarding the characteristics of the companies during this crisis, and how do the respondents evaluate the attributes of the organizational culture at their working place. As for the qualitative methodology, we discussed a case study of a company that
successfully managed the shift in organizational culture without compromising the company values, then we observe the response of the company as soon as the pandemic started spreading and affected the service industry, the observation is conducted by studying multiple sources evaluating the company’s reputation before and after the crisis, and also comparing the way people currently talk about this company against how they used to talk prior to the spread of the virus. Lastly, the final findings are presented beside a list of recommendations which include key success factors that companies are encouraged to follow to succeed in these rapid economic changes, and the main cultural values are highlighted for the companies to take into consideration amidst any organizational change that affect the way people work and interact.




