Main Aspects of Function and Organizational Role of Public Relations


  • Nickolas George MAKHARASHVILI Intenational Black Sea University


Anahtar Kelimeler:

advertising- challenge- facilitate- mutual benefit- performance- promotion publicity- pursuing- reputation- vibrant process.


The public relations (PR) practitioner serves as an intermediary between the organization that he or she represents and organization’s publics. Consequently, the PR practitioner has responsibilities both to the institution and to its various publics. Public relations can involve research into all stakeholders: receiving information from them, advising management of their attitudes and responses, helping to set policies that demonstrate responsible attention to them and constantly evaluating the effectiveness of all PR programs. This inclusive role embraces all activities connected with influencing the opinions of a group of people. It is just the communications aspect and management function. At the same time public relations can involve responsibility and responsiveness to the best interests of the organization and its publics.


