The Perception Process: Its Application to Work Settings


  • maka bughulashvili International Black Sea University


Anahtar Kelimeler:

background- closure- cognitive processes- foreground- novelty- perception- personality- sensation- stimuli


Understanding the perception process and being aware of its complexities can help develop insights about ourselves and may help in readingothers. Perceived reality, not actual reality, is the key to understanding behavior. How we perceive others and ourselves is at the root of our actionsand intentions. The words we use, the way we look and the body language we display communicates our view of the world. The key to understandingperceptionisto recognizethatitisa uniqueinterpretationofthe situation,notanexactrecordingofit. Inshort, perception isa verycomplex
cognitiveprocess that yields a unique picture of the world, a picture that may be differentfrom reality.The importance of perception and communications in guiding our behavior needs to be understood for effective relationships with others.In other words, people’s individual differences and uniqueness are largely the result of the cognitive processes. The cognitive processes suggestthat, like computers, humans are information processors. However, today’s complex computers are very simple information processing units whencompared with human information processing.This article focuses on the nature and importance of the perception process and how this process can be applied by managers to understandand manage employees’ behavior in the work setting.

Yazar Biyografisi

maka bughulashvili, International Black Sea University

Assist.Prof., Faculty of Business Management


