Place Marketing of Georgian Hypermarket Retailers: Carrefour and Goodwill and Their Market Share Prediction by Drive Time Analyzes and the Expectancy Value Model


  • Kakhaber Djakeli International Black Sea University
  • Devi Shonia Sokhumi State University


Anahtar Kelimeler:

consumer attitudes- expectancy value- hypermarket retailer brands- market share- retailing marketing


Marketing plays a great role in retailing business. There are some marketing approaches and methods according which the proper place for a hypermarket retailer can be found in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. There are retailer marketing approaches, place marketing strategies and methods on the one side, and the knowledge of attitude building process and expectancy value models on the other side. The task of this article was to show how these different models work in the example of Georgia, where two hypermarket retailers compete with each other for one interesting place, in a single road from Tbilisi to the West Georgia, crowded by cars of family moms and housewives, by citizens, many tour operators, tourist buses, and single travelers.  This research shows the opinion of customers and their point of views about the retailers in such a strategic area. These opinions work in comprehensive ways rationally and emotionally which are related to price, primary characteristics, secondary features, product reliability of the rational side and quality, credibility and feelings about the emotional way in the Georgian market of hypermarket retailing. This research was conducted to study the market share prediction of retailers by retailing place marketing and expectancy value models. Quantitative and qualitative survey was used as the research method to gather primary data by designing questionnaires for 196 sample
members. Microsoft excel was used to analyze the data gathered from this study. The aim of this research is to further help hypermarket retailers to improve their marketing strategy to increase their market share and also to utilize the consumer expectations, attitudes and behaviors as well.

Yazar Biyografisi

Kakhaber Djakeli, International Black Sea University

Bus. Administration, coordinator of program




